Digitization of the Albanian Education System
Ministry of Education and Sport, Albania
This project at the heart of the Albanian education system tackled two major areas – the modernization of management and the modernization of the pedagogical approach and teaching.
This was achieved by using a set of modular approaches: implementing a central e-education system with e-learning contents for ICT basics and an authoring system for content creation. In addition, the necessary server hard and software (operational infrastructure) was installed and implemented at the data center of the Albanian government. All software components delivered were accompanied with training modules. Employees of the Ministry of Education and Sports, other relevant authorities (regional directors, municipalities) and teachers across Albania (more than 3.800 people) were trained.

Digital education helps to ensure that existing educational programs and learning opportunities are made available to all learners with a broad outreach, i.e., even in rural areas, and to guarantee uniform, standardized knowledge transfer.
Wolfgang Schaffer, Co-Owner & Managing Director
M.I.T e-Solutions Austria
With this project we attempt to contribute to the following SDGs directly:
And indirectly: