
  • Survey of strategies and government plans to improve e-Government in Laos and their current status.
  • Evaluation and analysis of the collected data


  • Lao PDR

  • 12/2017 – 07/2018

e-Government Study Lao People‘s Democratic Republic

Status quo and possible usage of Austrian Technology in the Laotian Market

In the context of this study in Laos, bit media e-solutions supported ML11 in analyzing e-government structures in Laos as well as in presenting possible applications of Austrian e-government technologies.

The main objective of the study was to find possible sustainable points of connection for Austrian expertise and technologies in this area through a qualitative analysis of the current state of the Laotian e-government sector. This should improve the competitiveness and quality of the Laotian e-government sector as well as facilitate project acquisition for Austrian companies in the sector. In general, the study mainly asked for the development of concrete project possibilities and synergies between Austria and Laos for the implementation of long-term and sustainable projects.

It was a great pleasure to play a vital role in this onsite study. The result of the study was also that Austrian curricula, training courses and awareness campaigns can be easily transferred and implemented by Austrian technology partners.

Theresa Wutz, Auth. Signatory & Head of Project Dev.
eee austria international projects

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