
  • Certification of 100.000 Austrian students/year
  • Fully-automated monitoring of the candidate process
  • Multiple security levels for test environment
  • Several possibilities for statistical evaluation of test results


  • Austria

  • 01/2009 - ongoing

Fully-Automated Certification System for the Austrian School System

Austrian Federal Ministry of Education

E-Testing as an outstanding implementation:

ITS, the interactive testing studio, was implemented as a complete solution for the execution of electronic ECDL (European Driving License) as well as ESC (European Skills Certification) tests in Austrian schools. ITS was developed by bit media and has been officially approved by the ECDL Foundation as well as the Austrian Chamber of Commerce as one of the most modern automated test systems. In the meantime, other exams such as DCP (Digital Competence Pass), SSC (Social Skills Pass) and GFC (Green Future Certificate) are also processed via ITS in Austria. For some years now, the digi.checks of the Ministry of Education have been offered via ITS including the annual digi.check competition at the Austrian higher commercial schools (HAK).

The digital test system ITS is considered to be the pioneer of electronic examinations and tests at Austrian schools. The system has been continuously developed and refined - from test creation to exam administration and certificate issuance, everything is organized with ITS today.

Katrin Khom, Auth. Signatory & Head of Product Mgmt.
bit media education solutions

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