
  • Viability check – transfer of knowledge and know-how of EduTech from Austria to Bangladesh
  • EduTech – LMS, EMIS, e-Learning Content Library, e-Content Authoring, e-Testing, and Communication Technologies


  • Bangladesh

  • 09/2020 - 03/2021

Project Innovation and Digitization for Education Systems from Austria to Bangladesh (IdeaB)

Ministry of Education, Ministry of Primary and Mass Education, Bangladesh

The project was funded by European Union’s Horizont 2020 research and innovation program under the grant agreement no.822273. The main goal of the project was to determine viability and possible limiting factors for the implementation of the future project, transfer of knowledge and know-how of Education Technologies (EduTech) from Austria to Bangladesh. The long-term aim is to improve the quality of education services, training, and communication, improve education administration, and contribute to human resources development and capacity building for the broader public. Introducing EduTech to civil servants and enhancing their knowledge and skills is the first step in providing better services to citizens.

ICT has enrichened our abilities to turn over the data into useful information. The government of Bangladesh has declared its ‘Vision 2021: Digital Bangladesh’ with the main objective of developing Bangladesh to a middle-income country, using Information and communication technology as an activator.

Theresa Wutz, Auth. Signatory & Head of Project Dev.
eee austria international projects

This project has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 Research and Innovation programme, under the Grant Agreement number 822273. This publication reflects only the author’s view and the Commission is not responsible for any use that may be made of the information it contains.

With this project we attempt to contribute to the following SDGs directly:

And indirectly:

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