
  • Implementing a first-class user helpdesk located in Albania
  • 3,000+ people trained
  • User training for teachers, administrators and school directors


  • Albania

  • 09/2014 – 12/2016

Sustainable Education Management in Albania

Ministry of Education and Sport, Albania

This project aimed at improving management, planning and evaluation within the Albanian education system with the sustainable implementation of a centralized EMIS (Education Management Information System) in all schools managed by the MoES in the Republic of Albania. The system gives people at different levels (School directors, teachers, regional directors, Municipalities, Ministry) in the system the capacity to disaggregate economic, infrastructure, social (including minority groups) and educational data in terms of central, regional, district, municipal and school levels. An additional aim of this project was, that all necessary and relevant statistics for the Ministry of Education were delivered automatically.

With this project we were able to link all schools in Albania to one central system and trained more than 3.000 people all over the country and of each Albanian school on how to professionally use und utilize SOKRATES into daily school life.

Bernhard Böhm, Head of Consulting & Project Mgmt.
bit media education solutions

With this project we attempt to contribute to the following SDGs directly:

And indirectly:

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