Utilizing our more than 50 years of experience, we are constantly striving to improve the world by following and supporting the UN Sustainable Development Goals: www.un.org/sustainabledevelopment.
A Sign of Quality
For the eee Austria, the concept of quality has been an essential part of our successful work for and with our customers since the company was founded.
For the management and employees of eee Austria, quality management means meeting and, if possible, exceeding agreed requirements. Quality thus always represents an accompanying process of all value-creating processes in our company.
This is also reflected by our applied ISO quality management system. eee Austria is ISO 9001 certified since 2007.

2022: Constantinus Award 2022 for Project Vocational
Training Center Medan, Indonesia
2022: e-Learning Award 2022 for „Challenge-Based-Learning – Maths“ Project
2021: Comenius EduMedia Award for „digi.skills“
2021: IÖB excellent Award for „SchoolUpdate“
2019: SFG Award as „Company of the Month April“
2019: e-Learning Award 2019 for „FRONTEX“ Project
2018: Comenius EduMedia Award for „SchoolUpdate“
2018: Innovation-Award IT in the Category IT-Security for „PROVENTOR“
2017: Comenius EduMedia Award for „Anti-corruption“ e-Learning
2017: Grade „Very Good“ in the eLearning Journal test „Data Protection“
2016: Grade „Very Good“ in the eLearning Journal for „SITOS six Learning
Management System“
2015: Comenius EduMedia Award for e-Learning „Occupational safety“
2015: Innovation-Award IT for e-Learning Modul „Occupational safety“
2010: Export-Award in the Category „Services“
2007: EN ISO 9001 certified
2007: Staatspreis Consulting Award in the Category „Company Consultation IT“
2001: Comenius EduMedia Award
We try to support reaching the UN Sustainable Development Goals – the SDGs – within all our projects. Through our activities we want to especially focus on the following SDGs as we think these are the ones, we can add the most to. Indeed, we additionally try to act positively for the remaining goals, but we also think that we have to set some focus for achieving any positive impact.

We try to reduce poverty through…
- Providing better or even any training & education
- Getting better-paid jobs
- Opening job opportunities for women & men
- Access to better or any social insurance or social protection schemes through employment
- Ensuring mobilization of various resources by enhancing education, and skills and providing jobs
- Helping local governments of developing countries by bringing in Austrian know-how and accelerating investment in vulnerable groups and communities

We try to increase the quality of education as well as increasing access to quality education through…
- Enhancement of training & education systems by orienting towards Austrian (T)VET standards
- Renovating and building training & education facilities in less developed countries
- Developing new or improving existing curricula
- Training of trainers & teachers with emphasis on less developed countries
- Capacity building and technical assistance for relevant education & training stakeholders especially in less developed countries
- Ease access to education & training e.g. through using digital training, education and teaching materials
Examples of projects we work(ed) on:
e-Education: Modernization of the Kosovar Education System
ICT – Center of Competence Kosovo
Challenge Based Learning Applied Mathematics

How we try to improve gender equality…
- Opening equal opportunities for education for girls and women and ensuring their equal participation by offering e-learning courses available to anyone at anytime
- Ensuring educational programs tailored for the woman such as the development of entrepreneurship skills, basic IT courses, etc.
- Enhancing woman’s employment by high-quality vocational training and bringing them out of poverty and domestic discrimination
- Providing a learning ecosystem that is equally accessible to all people, regardless of age, gender, disability, ethnicity, origin, religion, economic or other status
- Providing e-learning courses on equal treatment for managers and employees

We try to achieve decent work and economic growth by…
- Ensuring sustainable and inclusive economic growth by creating high-quality training & education opportunities and jobs
- Enhancing general levels of economic productivity through people’s skills development
- Supporting small businesses by sourcing locally, from equipment to construction works
- Ensuring productive employment and decent work for all women and men
- Implementing projects that support further education in deficient sectors and create jobs and promote local culture and products
- Providing e-learning courses on work safety, code of conduct, corruption prevention, ergonomic workplace and many other health & safety courses
- Providing fire prevention management software for increasing safety at work, kindergarten, schools, public buildings, etc.

- By implementing our projects, we ensure skills and infrastructure enhancement locally
- Implementation of high-quality education & training programs generates high-skilled, job-ready workers and generates employment and income.
- Introducing local governments and relevant stakeholders with affordable financial services aimed at developing countries
- By ensuring education and infrastructure enhancement, we indirectly support domestic development, research, and innovation

- Boost human and institutional capacity for mitigation, adaptation, damage reduction, and early warning of climate change through education and awareness-building trough e-learning courses instead of f2f lectures
- Reduction of CO2 emissions by reducing travel locally, nationally and internationally as far as possible by using education technologies and online meeting tools
- Providing e-learning courses on energy efficiency, waste management, environmental protection, etc.
Examples of projects we work(ed) on:
DIGIT – Provision of e-Learning Courses
Training System for German Bank Employees
Microlearning Platform for the City of Vienna

- We try to facilitate concrete cooperation and partnership agreements (e.g. MoUs, etc.) between relevant stakeholders locally, nationally and internationally.
- Our intention is to support advanced education systems and open opportunities for better employment by aligning our strategies with our international stakeholders in achieving common goals
- By implementing projects with our project partners, we make sure to provide significant relevance to the local community and ensure local impact, whereas long-term cooperation ensures partnership building
- Ensuring ability to add value locally and internationally by creating solid partnerships, conducting studies and research for potential future partnerships